Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Clearing the Way to Victory

It's that time again....they call it school. Summer's over, and the kids are ready to get on the bus to start another year. That also means it's time for fall sports: Football, Softball, Cross Country & Cheerleading (yes, cheerleading is a sport:) I like to create a "Senior" poster for each season and this year I decided to highlight both the seniors and the road construction in front of South Shelby High School. Thanks to a lot of help from the MoDOT people and Chester Bross Construction Company we were able to use a bulldozer for our "prop." Progress comes with a price, and it's sort of a mess out there on Highway 36. Be careful as you hit the road, and just remember (all our CCC opponents): The Cardinals and Lady Birds are "Clearing the Way to Victory."